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Thomas Hardy Research

mindmap of Hardy research
My mindmap of Thomas Hardy research.

At the start of the project I decided to do a little bit of research into Thomas Hardy himself to get an understanding of what he was like and what he did. I found this useful because the aim with this project was to make him become relevant again and to get younger audiences to engage with him more. I felt that I didn’t need to do too much research on Hardy himself seeing as the animation was going to be based more off of his novel ‘Far from the Madding Crowd’, so just finding out a few facts about him was enough to form the basis of the project.

Taking Notes While Watching The Film

film notes
Notes I took while watching the film.
film notes

I took some notes while watching the film so that I could refer back to them when thinking about possible concepts for the animation. I learnt a lot from watching it, I took notes on each of the key themes of the film such as animal welfare and social tensions.

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