Hey! I’m Jessie.

I'm a beach loving, fast learning, problem solving graphic designer.

Jessie Denyer

I love getting a new brief! In fact, I really enjoy the entire process of design; from research and ideation to pitching concepts through to the making and delivering of final design assets. I find the whole process of design exciting and rewarding.

I am currently studying graphic design at Arts University Bournemouth. I like to create provocative and meaningful work; I believe that as a designer, I have an important role in making an impact and producing relevant outcomes. As part of my course, I have recently undertaken an exciting, collaborative live brief with Wessex Museums. During the project I worked in a team to design and pitch the brand identity for an upcoming touring exhibition. Throughout the project, I discovered that I love working collaboratively but I also work well using my own initiative.

I enjoy working digitally, I am proficient in Adobe Photoshop, InDesign and Illustrator but I have also recently picked up skills in After Effects whilst working on a motion graphics project. I am a fast learner with good problem-solving skills, and this has come in handy with learning HTML and CSS to hand code this website.

Outside of university, my creativity doesn’t stop. I love taking photos and scrapbooking where I take inspiration from the world around me and document for future reference – you never know when some image will be useful for a project.

I am keen to gain industry insight and am looking for work experience or an internship in a fast-paced design studio. If that might be a possibility, please don’t hesitate to get in touch!

Ciao for now!

