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Further planning and sketches

website layout sketches
Planning the layout for the Hardy Branding page.

Here are some sketches that I did to plan out the structure for some of my website pages. I found this a useful task to do, to help me start thinking about hierarchy of images and what order for them to be in.

I also began to think about what images I could use for the hero images on the projects page. I wanted all the images to compliment each other with their colours and angles, so I thought it would be the best idea to create some new mock-ups especially for this. This is why the backgrounds of my hero images match well together and look clean with the colour palette for my website.

futher planning and sketches
Planning the layout for the Valentine Animation page.

Here is another initial sketch I did for the rough layout of the motion graphics page. I tried to keep my sketches simple at first so that it could be achievable in producing with HTML and CSS. I found this beneficial in the process of building the website.

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